About Us

Welcome to STIPA

Support for Tropical Initiatives in Poverty Alleviation (STIPA) aims at community empowerment for eradicating poverty, overcoming injustices and promoting social transformation among vulnerable rural and urban communities in Western Kenya.

  • The interventions cultivate social change through adoption of unique approaches and principles thereby modelling sustainable alternatives that strengthen the capacity of vulnerable community members to shift their priorities and expand their influence in leading change.
  • Partnership is a core principle of human rights based approach that we use to build power within, power to and power with local organizations and grassroot leadership critical to scaling our work and impact for sustainability.

Our advocacy is deeply rooted in our theory of change to inform and tap opportunities for investing towards collective transformational change with gender mainstreaming crosscutting.

Our Vision & Mission


Healthy and prosperous communities


To empower communities for sustainable development through capacity building, advocacy, innovation, and entrepreneurship


We implement the following projects in Western Kenya

Kutunza Punda ni Kutunza Jamii Project

Enhancing involvement of donkey owners in the general welfare of their donkeys within the five domains of nutrition, health, environment, behaviors, mental status and including their safety.

Kuku Bora Project

Strengthening production of KALRO improved indigenous chicken among small holder farmers.

Sorghum Value Chain Project

Enhancing climate change adoption and market integrated small holder farming for certified Kamani and Seredo sorghum varieties for food, with high malting quality and yield among small holder farmers.

Beans Project

Increasing the adoption and production of KALRO improved bean varieties in order to improve food security, nutrition and income among small holder farmers.

Our Partners

Brooke Logo
AgriFI Logo